Mar 26, 2018 | bbeuerman | 1268 views
Season was a good one!
The Atom LL season ended when Ripley won their last 2 playoff games.
With Ripley winning their last 2 playoff games, this put them 2 points ahead of us in the division play off.
The team had a great year. We participated in 3 tournaments, winning the B side at one of those. All the kids had fun and that was evident in the dressing room before and after the games. Laughs and smiles all around, no matter what the outcome of the game.
Each one learned a little and next year will continue to grow on their skills, whether it's in Atom again or Pee Wee for those that move up.
Many thanks to our coaching staff: Head Coach Evan Hargrave, Assistants/Trainers Terry Brown and Jeremy Sippel.
Your guidance, time and patience with the kids has helped them become better players on and off the ice. Volunteering is what makes our organization great!
The banquet is April 20th at the PERC - hope to see you there!