Feb 26, 2018 | bbeuerman | 972 views
Atom's continue their winning streak...
The Atom's had their 4th game of the playoff round on Friday night in Wingham.
The Friday night game in Wingham would be the fourth in our round robin.
The first period opened up with Derek Gropp assisting on Kaleb Horton-Shine's goal 3 minutes in. Three minutes later Kaleb would get an unassisted goal to make it a 2-0 lead.
The lead would hold thru the second period and Wingham couldn't get a goal past Tim Beuerman in our end.
The third period would have Kaleb assisting on Gropp's lone goal of the game 1 minute in.
The final score was 3-0, a shut out earned for Beuerman.
We welcome Ripley to Monkton on Saturday morning for 11 am. Let's hope we can continue to be victorious in the playoffs!