Great game vs. Listowel, News, PeeWee LL, 2017-2018 (Central Perth Minor Hockey)

This Team is part of the 2017-2018 season, which is not set as the current season.
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Dec 11, 2017 | bbeuerman | 222 views
Great game vs. Listowel

The Pee Wee's had a one game week last week. Listowel came to us on Thursday night.

It was an extremely good game with lots of back and forth action. We were able to score 2 goals but couldn't come back and win. Final score 3-2.
Zack Bowles had another great game in net for us and it didn't help that the puck was bouncing around like a basketball in front of the net!

Just one game this week, Thursday night vs. Mitchell in Monkton at 6:30 pm.